1341907年圣诞,艾柯达家族两代人共享圣诞晚宴,其乐融融。可好景不长,小主人公亚历山大(伯特·格福Bertil Guve饰)和芬妮(妮拉·艾尔温Pernilla Allwin饰)的父亲奥斯卡(艾伦·艾德沃 Allan Edwall饰)在排练《哈姆雷特》时突然中风,弥留之际把苦心经营的大剧院托付给妻子艾 -
842In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two yo -
养育者 第三季
670Breeders Season 3 starts with Paul having moved out and staying at Leah’s house. He should be lonely but the simpler life has its appeal. Meanwhile, A