491影片是《X》《珀尔》的续集。1985年,在德州农场的血腥屠杀五年后,从成人电影界窜起、满怀抱负的女演员玛克辛(米娅·高斯 Mia Goth 饰)搬去洛杉矶,终于取得事业的重大突破。但当一名专挑好莱坞年轻艺人痛下毒手的神秘罪犯开始横行街头时,玛克辛的黑暗过去也可能将因此被揭露。 -
如我之狼 第二季
724Mary and Gary want to be 'normal parents'. But their house needs a werewolf-proof basement - can they ever be 'normal'? As much as they worry about th -
643Four astronauts have to stay 1000 days in a space station around Earth in order to prove that a trip to Europa, one of Jupiter's moon, is possible. Th -
45孤独青年在住宅大楼自设昆虫馆,把各种昆虫和爬虫类视为宠物,蝎子蜈蚣爱不释手。新宠儿是一只外来蜘蛛,暂时给它一个安乐窝,只是掌上明蛛求生欲强,它要逃离禁室,不断繁衍。后代变种夺命巨蛛,大楼到处结满蛛网,居民陷入一片恐慌。基于公众安全理由,警方封锁现场所有出口,死里逃生更是难上加难。凡尼切克首部长片,直 -
118After an experimental drug trial goes horribly wrong, the surviving test subjects have to fight off sleep, and each other, to stay alive.